NCA Public Relations Division stands in solidarity with our Asian American colleagues, friends, and family. We want to affirm our Division’s commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We acknowledge and celebrate the contributions to our discipline, and many other aspects of our life, made by Asians and Asian Americans.

The U.S.-Asian community has endured decades of bias and discrimination. During the past year, people of Asian descent have been victims of increased racism and xenophobia. This includes the March 16, 2021, Atlanta-area mass shootings that led to the killing of eight people, including six Asian women. As current officers of the NCA Public Relations Division, we strongly condemn any form of violence, intolerance, hate, or discrimination. We stand in solidarity with our Asian communities and extend our support to victims of anti-Asian racism and hate crimes.

As a division of the largest US-based association of communicators, we can and must do better by critically interrogating the system that produces such violence and violent discourse and by creating radical compassionate spaces in our classrooms and with each other. Creating real and lasting change is difficult, and we look forward to engaging our Division and membership in the process.

Anna Klyueva, Chair 

Lisa V. Chewning, Immediate Past Chair 

Angie Corbo, Vice-Chair

Chelsea Woods, Vice-Chair Elect 

Tyler Page, Research Chair 

Laura Young, Secretary

Aimei Yang, Former Chair 

Alvin Zhou, Social Media Committee

Anna Kochigina, Social Media Committee

NCA Resources: 

NCA Anti-Racism Resource Bank

NCA Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

NCA Resolution Condemning White Supremacy in Political Discourse